Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Let us help you find your perfect tree!!

Hedging Cedars 5-6ft $9 each or $8.50/50 or more
Wirebasket trees - oaks, maples and more

Fruit Trees - Over 20 varieties to choose from
Evergreens - spring dug  3-4ft
Plant native Sugar Maples 7-8ft potted
SALE  2/$149  regular $89 each

Blowout Sale continues
Superform Norway Maples and Deborah Maples
60mm wire basket trees 10-12ft
$125 each  regular $250

Remember...Mother's Day is around the corner!
We have lot's of flowering trees here and hanging baskets coming soon!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

*Blowout Sale*
Just in time for EARTH DAY

Superform Norway Maples & Deborah Maples
 Speciman Quality OVERSTOCKED
60mm wire basket trees 10-12ft tall
$125 each  regular $250

Spring Sale on Sugar Maples
Plant these Canadian Trees
Let's keep rebuilding our heritage!   
  4/$100 or $29. each 6-7ft bareroot
Quality conservation grade
 Call to order.  Limited quantity.

We are open and ready to serve you!