Friday, 27 May 2011

Evergreen Sale
$10 off any potted evergreen over 100cm
lots to choose from
Colorado, Norway, White Spruce, Pines and More

Flowering Trees in bloom...
Lilacs, Crabapples, Ivory Silks and more!!

Huge selection of maples
Sugars, Red, Princeton Gold

 perennials, perennials, perennials

Father's Day is quickly approaching...
gift ideas are here!!
Check us out!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Need something to do this long weekend??
Come check us out!!!

Open Holiday Monday 8-4

We have so much variety to offer.

yellow bird magnolias
chesnuts - red and white flowering
japanese 'bloodgood' maples 5'
toba hawthorn
weeping willows
ivory silk lilac trees

Instock Specials - Gift Certificates
Bulk Mulch - Hedging Cedars - Armour Stone

We look forward to your visit!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Serbian Spruce,
Black Spruce, Norway Spruce 
and MORE
Large selection of potted and wire basket spruce and pine

Garden Centre is full of beautiful specimans.
Many unique items and flowering trees.

Plant a Native Sugar Maple
200cm potted 2/$149 on sale reg $89

Deborah and Norway Maples
12ft. wire basket HALF PRICE now $125 each

Bulk Mulch   Triple Mix
Fruit Trees

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Mother's Day is May 8th...are you ready?

We have lots of flowering trees:
Magnolias - 5 varieties    
 Crabapples - red, white, and pink
Serviceberry      Tulip     Lilac     
 Horse Chesnut - double white flowering and red
Flowering Almond
Hawthorn and more

Receive $20 off any flowering tree Friday and Saturday only!!

Hanging baskets here as well.

Sugar Maples are still on sale.
2 for $149  reg. $89. each

Gift Certificates available

We are ready for your visit!!