Wednesday, 26 October 2011

We are closing for the season
Saturday October 29th!

Call for an appointment if you would like to come after this date.

Thank you to all of our customers for your support this year!!

We will re-open Spring 2012.

Friday, 14 October 2011

October 29 is the last day our garden center is open...
lots of end of the season deals!!

Digging Fresh Evergreens
8' blue spruce $275 each or 2 for $495
beautiful rich blue colour

white spruce

Autumn Fantasy (burgandy red fall colour)
Autumn Blaze Maple (orange/red fall colour)
12-15' tall 2" caliper wire basket
$260 each or 2 for $495

Lots of small 2 gallon potted evergreens starting at $15. each and up
Larger quantity discounts
Great for windbreaks, along driveways, reforestation, and restoration areas
Colorado Blue Spruce (tolerates road salt)
White Spruce
Norway Spruce (fast grower)
White Pine (long soft needles)

Hedging Cedars available Spring 2012

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

25% OFF selected stock
includes potted trees, shrubs, fruit trees, ornamental trees and perrenials

Hydrangeas are in full bloom now, check out our selection!!

Now is still a great time to plant!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Let's Celebrate!!

Spectacular Canada Day Week Specials

20% off garden centre (reg. priced items)
includes potted trees, shrubs, perennials, and fruit trees

Norway Maples 12-15ft wire basket
only $100 each  reg.$250
linited quantity

Royal Red Maples 8-9ft potted
2/$150 reg.$99 each

Closed July 1 & 2
Open Monday July 4

Monday, 6 June 2011

Summer weather is finally here!

It is still a great time to plant trees.


Red maples potted on sale $79 reg $99

thinking about the beach??

come check out our selection of beech trees
many types available

We have a large selection of unique trees
black walnut
kentucky coffe tree
paperback maple
Vanderwolf blue pine
serbian spruce
gingko std.
yellowbird magnolia

instock specials
norway and deborah maples $125 each 12-15ft. reg.$250
hedging cedars 5-6ft $8 each
bulk mulch

Friday, 27 May 2011

Evergreen Sale
$10 off any potted evergreen over 100cm
lots to choose from
Colorado, Norway, White Spruce, Pines and More

Flowering Trees in bloom...
Lilacs, Crabapples, Ivory Silks and more!!

Huge selection of maples
Sugars, Red, Princeton Gold

 perennials, perennials, perennials

Father's Day is quickly approaching...
gift ideas are here!!
Check us out!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Need something to do this long weekend??
Come check us out!!!

Open Holiday Monday 8-4

We have so much variety to offer.

yellow bird magnolias
chesnuts - red and white flowering
japanese 'bloodgood' maples 5'
toba hawthorn
weeping willows
ivory silk lilac trees

Instock Specials - Gift Certificates
Bulk Mulch - Hedging Cedars - Armour Stone

We look forward to your visit!

Monday, 9 May 2011

Blue Spruce, White Spruce, Serbian Spruce,
Black Spruce, Norway Spruce 
and MORE
Large selection of potted and wire basket spruce and pine

Garden Centre is full of beautiful specimans.
Many unique items and flowering trees.

Plant a Native Sugar Maple
200cm potted 2/$149 on sale reg $89

Deborah and Norway Maples
12ft. wire basket HALF PRICE now $125 each

Bulk Mulch   Triple Mix
Fruit Trees

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Mother's Day is May 8th...are you ready?

We have lots of flowering trees:
Magnolias - 5 varieties    
 Crabapples - red, white, and pink
Serviceberry      Tulip     Lilac     
 Horse Chesnut - double white flowering and red
Flowering Almond
Hawthorn and more

Receive $20 off any flowering tree Friday and Saturday only!!

Hanging baskets here as well.

Sugar Maples are still on sale.
2 for $149  reg. $89. each

Gift Certificates available

We are ready for your visit!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Let us help you find your perfect tree!!

Hedging Cedars 5-6ft $9 each or $8.50/50 or more
Wirebasket trees - oaks, maples and more

Fruit Trees - Over 20 varieties to choose from
Evergreens - spring dug  3-4ft
Plant native Sugar Maples 7-8ft potted
SALE  2/$149  regular $89 each

Blowout Sale continues
Superform Norway Maples and Deborah Maples
60mm wire basket trees 10-12ft
$125 each  regular $250

Remember...Mother's Day is around the corner!
We have lot's of flowering trees here and hanging baskets coming soon!!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

*Blowout Sale*
Just in time for EARTH DAY

Superform Norway Maples & Deborah Maples
 Speciman Quality OVERSTOCKED
60mm wire basket trees 10-12ft tall
$125 each  regular $250

Spring Sale on Sugar Maples
Plant these Canadian Trees
Let's keep rebuilding our heritage!   
  4/$100 or $29. each 6-7ft bareroot
Quality conservation grade
 Call to order.  Limited quantity.

We are open and ready to serve you!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Welcome to our NEW website!!

Spring is now here, hiding among the remaining snow.  Let the PLANTING begin!
We have bareroot trees for spring.

Sugar Maples 200cm tall, bareroot $29. each or 4/$100

Evergreen seedlings available: 
white spruce, colorado blue spruce, white pine, and white cedar

Call for pricing.

Taking orders for early April.
Call or email.
Garden Centre opening April 11 2011

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Countdown to Spring

With 19 days until the first official day of spring, we are starting to get prepared for the upcoming season.  The snow is slowly melting away, the days are getting longer and brighter, and the birds are chirping louder.  Our world is waking up after a long winter sleep!