Friday, 14 October 2011

October 29 is the last day our garden center is open...
lots of end of the season deals!!

Digging Fresh Evergreens
8' blue spruce $275 each or 2 for $495
beautiful rich blue colour

white spruce

Autumn Fantasy (burgandy red fall colour)
Autumn Blaze Maple (orange/red fall colour)
12-15' tall 2" caliper wire basket
$260 each or 2 for $495

Lots of small 2 gallon potted evergreens starting at $15. each and up
Larger quantity discounts
Great for windbreaks, along driveways, reforestation, and restoration areas
Colorado Blue Spruce (tolerates road salt)
White Spruce
Norway Spruce (fast grower)
White Pine (long soft needles)

Hedging Cedars available Spring 2012

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